Most UK unis preparing for in-person teaching in 2020, survey finds

The majority of British universities are preparing to provide in-person teaching this upcoming academic year according to a survey, while several institutions are offering prospective postgraduate students options to begin their studies in January 2021 rather than in autumn 2020.


UK universities are "well advanced" in their planning to welcome students to campus this autumn, UUK said. Photo: pexels

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About Viggo Stacey

Viggo has previously worked in teaching in Germany and Turkey, until his change of career in 2017. Known as 'Sitting-Vig' to his friends, in his free time he is normally watching a film as he attempts to watch more films than anyone else. Get in touch with Viggo on

Nine in 10 universities have communicated current plans to prospective and current students


A survey carried out by Universities UK found that 97% of the 92 universities surveyed said they will provide in-person teaching at the start of term.


Some 78 universities (87%) will offer in-person social opportunities to students, including outside events and sporting activities, in line with government and public health guidance, the survey found.

 “Universities across the UK are well advanced in their planning to welcome students this autumn”


“Universities across the UK are well advanced in their planning to welcome students this autumn and ensure they can benefit from a high-quality, full and exciting university experience,” Alistair Jarvis, chief executive of UUK said.



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